Steps to Smooth Anchoring

Anchors dig into the seabed to hold a boat in position. At some point, you will probably have to anchor. You may want to stop and fish or swim, or you may have to drop anchor to control the boat if bad weather is blowing you ashore. You may also have to drop anchor if your engine has quit and the wind or current is pushing you into shallow water or other boats.

Find a Good Spot

You want to select an area that offers maximum shelter from wind, current, and boat traffic. You also want to consider the radius of your anchor rode, plus boat length and allow for changes in wind or current direction and water depth due to tides.

Preparing for Anchoring

You should approach your anchorage at the slowest speed at which you can control the boar. Make sure that neither the anchor nor the anchor line is tangled. The boat should be motionless or drifting slowly when you’re ready to set. When your bow reaches the point where you wish to drop anchor, reverse the engine until your forward motion stops.

Dropping the Anchor

Lower the anchor until it reaches the bottom. When it reaches the bottom, allow five to seven times the depth of water. Tie the anchor line off to a cleat or other fixture on the bow.

Setting the Hook

Slowly reverse the motor to pull on the anchor. You can expect to move slightly, but soon the boat should settle into a fixed position. With the engine still in reverse, slightly increase the rpm. If the boat stays in the same place, you know that your anchor is set. If you are moving, your anchor may be dragging and you’ll need to pick it up and drop it again.

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