Steps to Smooth Anchoring

Anchors dig into the seabed to hold a boat in position. At some point, you will probably have to anchor. You may want to stop and fish or swim, or you may have to drop anchor to control the boat if bad weather is blowing you ashore. You may also have to drop anchor if…

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Preventing Common Mistakes While Boating

If you’re new to boating, or even if you’re not, mistakes will happen from time to time. Almost all boating errors occur by being in a hurry or not paying attention. The upside to these errors is that they can easily be avoided by paying attention, being prepared and completing a pre-departure checklist. Here are…

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Traveling The Sea By Book

The top tales about the beloved seas: Winter is rolling in, with cooler weather and time off for the holidays, some may not be lucky enough to get out on the water but there’s nothing like a good read about the beloved seas to suffice. Here is a short list of seafaring tales that will…

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The Year of Innovation

Lexus Goes from Land to Yachts      Lexus has released its fully redesigned flagship, the LS sedan. The Lexus Sport Yacht, although much smaller than any actual ‘yachts’ it is the closest thing that automakers will get as of right now. According to Toyota, the idea for the boat came about when the company’s…

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Climate Change in Coastal Communities

Rising sea levels can affect many industries at an alarming rate. When we think of these particular changes to climate, we think about coastal communities and how they will be impacted. So, how will certain coastal communities adapt to the inevitable changes? Usually, the real estate industry does not speak much about potential climate change…

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